Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Faith and Healing

So yesterday whilst swimming I was listening to Joni Eareckson Tada's book 'A Place of Healing'.  I have only listened to a small amount of it so far so can't really comment much about it.  For those of you who don't know when Joni was 17 she dove into some shallow water and broke her neck leaving her paralysed from the neck down.  Recently she has developed chronic pain as well.  She is a truly inspirational and inspiring women. 

In the introduction to her book she talks about how she regularly gets told that God wants to heal her she just needs more faith.  She was talking about a particular incidence when a man who had heard about her, met her. He wanted to see her healed and asked her if it could be sin that was standing in the way of her being healed.  To back himself up he read to Joni Luke 5:18-19 (Some men came carrying a paralysed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.)  He then reminded Joni that the man was healed and told her she could be too if she would only confess her sins and have the faith to believe it.  Joni knew that she had no sin she hadn't dealt with and she knew that she had a clean slate before God.

She told the man that she really didn't think it was a matter of faith but to him it just didn't add up - as a Christian who has faith and believes and whose sin has been forgiven didn't God want her well, want to heal her?  He told Joni that it must be a lack of faith - she was still in her wheelchair after all these years!  Joni asked the man to open his bible up again to that same passage.  Now in Luke 5:20 it says"When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”  When Jesus saw their faith - the faith of the paralysed man's four friends.  She simply said to him 'The paralysed man didn't have to do anything it was down to his four friends.  The pressure's off me, but on you!'

I loved this idea of a way to answer people when I get into awkward conversation's about faith and healing ect.  I can just flip the idea and when they are telling me I need more faith I can turn around and say 'Where's your faith?'

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

It is by grace you have been saved!

I have had countless people say to me 'God wants to heal you, you just need some faith!'  Well I would have to disagree with both parts of that statement.  I don't believe that God wants to heal me, yes I agree that ultimately he does, but not right now.  Why? Because the moment God wants to heal me that is it, in that second I will be healed.  It isn't a matter of well if you have enough faith, or a matter of well if enough people pray then you will definitely be healed.  God is not a God who works on works.  He isn't swayed or persuaded by things that we do.  He doesn't submit to peer pressure if enough people ask for something.  No, he is God and he does what is right and what is best and we have to accept that, which is an incredibly hard thing to accept in the face of suffering.  Have I fully accepted that? No, not yet and again I think that it will be a life long process to accept it.  It is one HARD lesson.

Please don't think that I am suggesting that means we don't need to pray because yes of course we should and yes God listens and yes God always answers but that answer is not always yes.

Also have more faith.  I don't believe that you can 'have more faith'  One verse that sums up the idea of faith for me is Ephesians 2v8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."  Faith is not down to me (and what a relief - if it was I would have failed a long time ago!) It is a gift God gives to us by his grace and so by people saying to me 'you need more faith', they are actually saying that God's grace is not enough for me.  God is a perfectly just God and he does not give some people a tiny bit of faith (meaning they only have a tiny bit of grace) and then leaves them to work it out themselves to make up the missing grace.  No, the verse above follows on by saying "not by works, so nobody can boast."

I think that I used to find that quite a scary thought and from talking to other people I don't think I was alone.  The fact that we couldn't do a tick list of "jobs for God" to try and earn his favour and earn our way to him was quite a hard thought to get our heads round.  We like to be noticed for our hard work and we like to earn our way up and we like to earn people's favour.  I found it hard to think that there was nothing I can do to "make God like me".  But now the more and more it feels as though my body is failing me; the harder it is becoming to carry out daily life I am so glad that there is nothing I can do to earn God's favour.  I am so glad that I am saved through grace alone.  I am so glad that no matter how much or little I can or can not do physically God still loves me the same.  I am so glad that I do not have to work to earn God's favour.  He takes me as I am - a wretched sinner and slowly day by day changes me to be more and more like Jesus.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Passing through, passing through...

For any of you who know me very well at all you will know that I love Colin Buchanan and just how much I do.  For those of you who don't know who he is (poor, deprived childhoods you must have had!!) he is a Christian Australian kids song writer and he does a lot of songs where he puts bible verses to music.  Although I should have long since outgrown Colin I definitely have not!  Thanks to him and his songs I know so many pieces of scripture by heart and it is such an encouragement to randomly get a song in your head which is actually a bible verse/passage.

One of his songs (regrettably I cannot find it on YouTube anywhere...) is called Passing through.

This world will try and squeeze you,
And tease you with tasty lies,
This world will try to trick you,
And kick you between the eyes.

All God's children will never walk alone,
All God's children will soon be heading Home.

Passing through, passing through,
On the way to Heaven,
Passing through, passing through,
On the way to Heaven.

Don't let this old world get its grip on you,
God's children are only passing through!

This world is slowly dieing,
but trying to take you down,
This world is on a devil line,
And its time is running out.

All God's children will never walk alone,
All God's children will soon be heading Home.

Passing through, passing through,
On the way to Heaven,
Passing through, passing through,
On the way to Heaven.

Don't let this old world get its grip on you,
God's children are only passing, oh they're only passing through!

Fix your eyes Jesus,
He frees us, from death and sin!
When this world is long gone,
We'll live on, to worship Him,

All God's children will never walk alone,
All God's children will soon be heading Home.

Passing through, passing through,
On the way to Heaven,
Passing through, passing through,
On the way to Heaven.

Don't let this old world get its grip on you,
God's children are only passing, yeah, yeah they're only, only passing through!

I love this song and think that it is such a helpful view to have on life.  The reminder that this life isn't everything - it is only temporary and we are only passing through, that as children of God we are continually getting nearer and nearer Heaven - we are on our way there, on our way Home!