Monday 25 March 2013


Suzy was on crutches,
Suzy was weak,
Suzy was a cripple,
Suzy was exhausted,
Suzy was in pain.

This has been circulating around Facebook and a lot of my friends have shared it (a while ago now because I have had this post in my drafts for months!).  I thought it was a really good reminder of how God uses the weak and it is certainly a comfort as I feel so weak and as though God could never use me.  I added my own few to the bottom of the list and there are so many more I could have put.  It is so encouraging that God doesn't choose the strong and powerful and problem free perfect people.  He uses ordinary people with weaknesses and flaws.  It is so encouraging to know that God's grace and power doesn't rely on us being strong but is totally down to him.  No matter how weak, insignificant, useless and flawed we may feel God still uses us and can even use these weaknesses to show his power perfectly.  Amazing!